How To Create Storyboards Using Facebook Ads

It’s easy to create great paid social storyboards using Facebook Ads data! On top of that, you can even mix other PPC data sources into a single visual or storyboard.

Connect Your Account

It’s very easy to connect your Facebook Ads account to Optix. It requires only 2 quick steps:

  1. In your Data Manager, choose “+ Add Data Source” and click on Facebook Ads.
  2. You’re then redirected to Facebook. Sign in as usual and allow Optix to access your Facebook Ads data (don’t worry – we only use it to generate your storyboards!).

As a sign of success, your account will now appear in your Data Manager main screen. You’re now ready to create your Facebook Ads storyboard!

Visual KPIs, metrics, and dimensions

KPIs available in the Visual Library

Ads Overview
Campaign Overview
Cost Per Lead
Most Popular Ads

Post Engagement
Purchases by Campaign
Total Amount Spent
Total Impressions
Total Leads by Campaign

Total Link Clicks
Total Link Clicks
Total Post Engagement
Total Purchase ROAS
Total Website Clicks
Unique CTR


3 – Second Video Views
Avg. Adds to Cart
Avg. Adds to Cart Conversion Value
Avg. Amount Spent
Avg. App Installs
Avg. Clicks
Avg. Content Views
Avg. Impressions
Avg. Landing Page Views
Avg. Leads
Avg. Link Clicks
Avg. Page Likes
Avg. Post Comments
Avg. Post Engagement
Avg. Post Reactions
Avg. Post Shares
Avg. Purchase ROAS
Avg. Reach
Cost Per App Install
Cost Per Lead
CPA (Cost Per Action)
CPC (Cost-Per-Click)
CPM (Cost-Per-Thousand)
CPP (Cost-Per-Pixel)
CTR (click-Through-Rate)
Total Adds to Cart
Total Adds to Cart Conversion Value
Total Amount Spent
Total App Installs
Total Clicks
Total Content Views
Total Impressions
Total Landing Page Views

(Group-by Fields / Filters)

Ad Name
Ad Set ID
Ad Set Name
Campaign ID
Campaign Name

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