How To Create Storyboards Using Google AdSense

It’s easy to create great paid search custom storyboards using Google AdSense data! On top of that, you can even mix other PPC data sources into a single visual or storyboard.

Connect your account

It’s very easy to connect your Google AdSense account to Optix. It requires only 2 quick steps:

  1. In your Data Manager, choose “+ Add Data Source” and click on “Google AdSense.”
  2. You’re then redirected to Google AdSense. Sign in as usual and allow Optix to access your Google AdSense data (don’t worry – we only use it to generate your storyboards!).

As a sign of success, your account will now appear in your Data Manager main screen. You’re now ready to create your Google AdSense storyboard!

Visual KPIs, metrics, and dimensions

Visual KPIs from the Visual Library

Ad Networks Overview
Earnings by Bidtype

Earnings (Last 30 days) and Impr RPM

Earnings by Country
Earnings by Day
Performance Overview


Ad Requests
Ad Requests Coverage
Ad Requests CTR
CPC (Cost Per Click)

Individual Ad Impressions
Individual Ad Impressions CTR
Individual Ad Impressions RPM
Matched Ad Requests
Matched Ad Requests CTR
Matched Ad Requests RPM

Page Views
Page Views CTR
Page Views RPM
RPM (Revenue Per Thousand Requests)

(Group-by Fields / Filters)

Ad Network
Bid Type
Custom Channel

Domain Name
Platform Type

Targeting Type
Unit Name
URL Channel

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