How To Create Storyboards Using HubSpot Marketing

It’s easy to create great inbound marketing storyboards using HubSpot Marketing data! On top of that, you can even mix other PPC data sources into a single visual or storyboard.

Connect Your Account

It’s very easy to connect your HubSpot Marketing account to Optix. It requires only 2 quick steps:

  1. In your Data Manager, choose “+ Add Data Source” and click on “HubSpot Marketing.”
  2. You’re then redirected to HubSpot Marketing. Sign in as usual and allow Optix to access your HubSpot Marketing data (don’t worry – we only use it to generate your storyboards!).

As a sign of success, your account will now appear in your Data Manager main screen. You’re now ready to create your HubSpot Marketing storyboard!

Visual KPIs, Metrics, and Dimensions

The following pre-configured Visual KPIs are available from the Visual Library and (eye glass icon) menu:

Visual KPIs from the Visual Library

Average Session Length
Average Time On Page
Bounce Rate
Contacts Conversion Rate
Conversion Rate: Visits To Mqls
Conversion-rate: Mqls To Customers
Conversion Rate: Sqls To Opps
Cta Clicks
Cta Rate
Cta Views

Customer Conversion Rate
Email Bounced
Email Bounced By Campaign Name
Email Click Rate
Email Clicked
Email Contacts Lost
Email Ctr
Email Delivered
Email Open Rate
Email Opened
Email Sent
Email Bounced By Email Title

New Contacts
New Customers
New Leads
New Mqls
New Sqls
New Subscribers
New Visitor Sessions Rate
New Visitor Sesssions
Page Views
Top Opportunities By Referrals
Total Contacts


Average Session Length
Average Time On Page
Became a Customer
Became a lead
Became an Evangelist
Became an Opportunity
Became an Other Lifecycle
Became an Subscriber
Became MQL
Became SQL
Bounce Rate
Contacts Conversion Rate
Contacts Per Page View
Conversion Rate: MQLs to Customers

Conversion Rate: SQLs to Opps
Conversion Rate: Visits to MQLs
CTA Clicks
CTA Rate
CTA Views
Customer Conversion Rate
Email Click Rate
Email Open Rate
Exit Rate
Landing Page Conversion Rate
New Contacts
New Customers
New Leads

New Leads Per Session
New MQLs
New Opportunities
New SQLs
New Subscribers
New Visitor Sessions
New Visitor Sessions Rate
Page Views
Pageviews Per Session
Total Contacts
Total Referrals Count

(Group-by Fields / Filters)

Blog Name
Blog Post Title
Campaign Name
Direct Traffic Source
Dynamic (Active) List

Email Marketing Source
Email Title
Landing Page
Organic Search Source
Original Source
Other Source

Paid Search Source
Social Source
Static List


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