How To Add / Invite Users To Your Team

Optix offers many features that one person can benefit from alone. So it just goes without saying that the more people that are involved, the more benefits!

How to Add / Invite Your Team


  1. Start at the initial screen after login and navigate to the vertical tool bar on the left of the screen. Click on the first option, “Admin.” The window will change with more option in the main content section. A horizontal tool bar should appear. Choose “Users.”
  1. You will see the window above. Click the horizontal button “Add User.”
  1. You can only add one team member at a time. Enter the team member’s email, then click “next.” There are two types of team members: team members who are already part of optix and team members who are not yet part of optix.
  1. If the the team member is already an Optix user, his/her account information will be displayed. If all is correct, click “Add User to Organization.”
  1. If the user is not yet an Optix member, you will be required to set their account up with the above credentials (Login, First Name, Last Name, Phone Number). There are two ways to invite them into your organization and create an account. These two options are located under “Account Activation”:
    1. Setting a custom password (left)
    2. Sending a custom email (right)
  2. Regardless of the option you choose, make sure all credentials are entered in correctly, then click “Add User to Organization.”

You’re all done! The user will now have access to your organization. As admin, you also have the ability to remove them from the organization as well.

Already an Optix user? Go back to your Optix account here!

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