How To Change Your Profile Preferences

Having a customizable profile for your organization is very useful to distinguish one another and keep up-to-date on various notification like billing!

  1. Start at the initial login page. In the upper right corner, you should see an icon that looks like the silhouette of a person with a drop down arrow located right next to it; click on the drop down and click “User Account.”
  2. Here you have different credentials that you can change: first name, last name, email address, phone number, and avatar.
    **Note that the avatar is just an image assigned to your profile. It’s best used as a visual distinction for your profile with members of your organization.
  3. Once all changes are made, click the “save” button at the bottom.
    **Note that if you do not know how to properly make changes to your profile, refer to the headings below.

You’re done! As a sign of success, follow steps 1 and 2; the pre-filled information under your user account should now be your most recent change.

How to Change Your First Name, Last Name, email address, and or phone number

This is a simple process! You will see that your information is located in dynamic text boxes; to change the text, simply click in these boxes and make the necessary changes. You’re done; just click save!

How to Change Your Avatar

Changing your avatar is different from changing your other preferences, but not at all difficult! Located next to your avatar image is a button that says “change.” Click this button and you will be prompted to upload a picture. Upload the picture you would like to use and done; just Click save!

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