How To Contact Optix Support

Nobody’s perfect; but Optix strives to be the very best product it can be! If our Support page is not helping you out, you can contact a representative directly!

  1. At the Optix Support Page, there is a navigation bar at the top adjusted to the right. Click on “Contact Us.”
  2. You will be redirected to a page that asks for four different pieces of information: Name, email, company, and suggestion. Fill out the information as suited to you and your needs.
  3. Once all information is submitted, click “submit.”

You’re done! Your message has been sent over to the Optix Support team. You will be contacted in 1-2 business days regarding your situation.
**Note: another way of contacting our support team is directly emailing Optix at

Want to go to the “Contact Us” page? Click here!

Already an Optix user? Go back to your Optix account here!

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