In this article, we will discuss the recommended setup-strategy for Optix Users. Each step is designed to help you get completely set up while ensuring you have a great understanding of the tools available to improve your data reporting.
Align your Team around the right Metrics to track.
The first step to developing a strong reporting process is choosing the right Metrics to track and setting goals that will measure the success of your efforts.
- Invite Users to Your Account – Your Optix Account is a centralized area to monitor all of your data sources. Invite your team to this account to give them access to the available tools as you will read more about.
- Connect Data Sources – Before you can evaluate your data, you need to connect your data. Connecting your data is easy and is the required step in order to evaluate your unique metrics. For a further explanation on how to connect datasource, Optix has provided a section of how to connect all supported data source integrations. Click here for more information!
- Add Metrics to the Metrics Screen – If you are looking for a specific metric to evaluate in your reporting, Optix allows you to add custom measures to your personal data sources. This is valuable for customers who look for differences, averages, etc. in their reporting. This makes it easy to collaborate and ensure you’re aligned around the right Metrics to monitor for your organization.
- Use Tags – Using tags on your storyboards will be a unique customization to filter out your storyboards. Tags can be custom-made by adding them to the description/summary section of your storyboard. Tags will create an optimal view for prioritizing your reporting.
- Goal Setting – To get the most out of your reporting, goal setting is key. Goal setting in Optix makes it easy to set SMART Goals – Specific, Measurable, Assignable, Realistic, and Time-bound.
- Periodic Reporting – Periodic reporting will back-up your goal setting. Having a periodic reporting will help your organization measure trends in your key metrics and act accordingly. By default, your storyboard will report on the period that is set when you first create it. This can be modified later when you edit the settings of your storyboard. To learn how to change your period, click here!
How to Analyze your Performance using Storyboards

Use a Template from the Template Directory
The public Template Directory is home to hundreds of prebuilt Databoards that aim to satisfy some more common use cases. Templates give you the ability to have some of the setup work done for you.
Once you pull a Template into your Account, it is yours to customize as you see fit. This makes it so the Templates that you choose can act as a starting point for the Storyboards that you plan to build.
Add a Visual from the Visual Library
The visual library is packed with many pre-configured visuals for all supported integration types. These visuals are based on popular use-cases respective to the data source type.
The visual library shares the same functionality as the template library, but at a smaller scale. Once a visual is added, the visual automatically reflects your dataset with the pre-configured groupings and metrics. These visuals are also customizable to your liking – you’re never locked in!
Add a Visual from the Visual Types Library
If pre-congfigured builds are just not your style of working, Optix allows you to choose your visual types that you can customize yourself!. Just click and drag from the available Visual types on to your storyboard in the editor, then click on the visual. You will be able to configure your visual at your own convenience.
Build your Storyboards
The proof is in the pudding; with pre configured templates, pre-configured visuals, and available visual customization, you are on your way to a top-tier data report. Measure multiple metrics in multiple visual types, evaluate by different periods (weekly, monthly, yearly, and more!), and take take note on your trends within the storyboard!
Customize your Storyboards
Optix also provides a personal UI/UX editor where you can change the looks of your storyboard from color palette to font choice. To learn more, click here! You also can add your agency’s logo, images and more!
How to adapt to new strategies based on data reports

Schedule Snapshots of Storyboards
Scheduled snapshots allow you to share your Storyboards as often as you prefer. This will serve you and your agency as a database of periodic reports.
Scheduled Snapshots can also make your Storyboard a second-nature tool to your routine by automatically sharing the data with your team. Rather than waiting for time to seek out your data, you can make your data work for you.
Add Annotations
Annotations with scheduled snapshots will give you periodic notes pertaining to the reported data. Annotations can be short, static text visuals that can be placed side-by-side with the visual its content pertains to. By adding annotations, you are drawing direct correlation between the work you’re doing and the results you are seeing in the data.